
Microsoft has Decided to Give Windows 7 One Last Chance

Windows 7 has been granted more time by its maker to serve its purpose. This statement is quite clear that Windows has finally heard the customer’s complain for the annoying Windows 8, and decided to give Windows 7 one more chance before it expires on October 31, 2016. What happens after the expiration date of October 31,…

Expecting HaLow – The Low Power, Long Range WiFi for Internet of Things

The hype of IoT (Internet of Things) has never ceased to pause, not even for a moment. Lately, not so long after we entered this 2016, Wi-Fi Alliance® has introduced Wi-Fi HaLow™ for products incorporating IEEE 802.11ah technology. The HaLow works in frequency below 1 GHz and extends the standard Wi-Fi into the 900 MHz band. With this…

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) – For the Best of Both Worlds

BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device. This new trend has emerged nowadays as the result of the IoT (Internet of Things) that evolved the way how people work in modern era. In the old days, the advancement of Information Technology (IT) is mostly intended for enterprises. However, it seems that the end-user, i.e. employee has become the…

Microsoft 365 – Shaping Business to Work Today and in The Future

Business nowadays needs to be able to respond to customer in real-time. If that is too much to ask, then at least, you are faster than your competitor. By relying on Office 365, you are bound to make decisions faster and more accurately. Here are some of the best features that you could get once you choose…

PT Quadra Solution menyelesaikan projek Pajak

Jakarta – PT Quadra Solution telah menyelesaikan pengiriman dan instalasi untuk projek Direktorat Jendral Pajak Paket 1 Tahun anggaran 2007. Projek komputerisasi untuk 71 kantor Pelayanan Pajak di Jabotabek merupakan salah satu program modernisasi kantor Pajak untuk peningkatan kwalitas pelayanan. Peralatan yang dipasang meliputi PC, Notebook, Server, jaringan dan peralatan nya; UPS; Printer dan Multifunction…

PT Quadra Solution membuka kantor cabang Surabaya

Jakarta – Mulai tanggal 29 Februari 2008 telah diresmikan penggunaan kantor cabang PT Quadra Solution di Surabaya. Kantor cabang baru ini merupakan ekspansi dari kegiatan perusahaan di Surabaya sejak tahun 1999. Alamat Jl Plaza BRI Lt. 7 Suite 700 Jl Jendral Basuki Rahmat No. 122 Surabaya, Telepon 031 5315599, Fax 031 5314477. Pelanggan Quadra Solution…

QIC bekerja sama dengan PT Mitra Kreasindo

Untuk lebih meningkatkan layanan akses ke pelanggan, QIC mengadakan kerja sama dengan PT Mitra Kreasindo. Mitra menyediakan layanan call center untuk pelanggan di Jakarta. Dengan kerjasama tersebut, layanan QIC yang membutuhkan akses pelanggan secara intensif dapat menggunakan fasilitas Mitra. layanan tersebut misalnya : Lead management; customer data profiling, telemarketing dsb.

Dibutuhkan 100 programmer baru

Jakarta – Kerja sama strategis antara Quadra dengan Xybase Sdn BHd membutuhkan sekitar 100 programmer baru. Programmer ini baik yang fresh graduate maupun yang telah bekerja akan diorientasikan untuk menggarap projek di Malaysia dan Timur Tengah. Demikian dinyatakan olah Suhaimee Abuhasan selaku CEO Xybase Sdn Bhd. ‘Porgram kerjasama ini akan ditingkatkan dan terbuka kemungkinan untuk…